BFA Bachelors in Fine Arts, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
MAE Masters of Art Education, Fort Lewis College
Special awards
Spoken at 3 different national art education conferences.
Home town
Overland Park KS
Reading (about 120 books per year), painting, baking, and gardening!
Husband (Bex), and 2 sons (Oliver and Alexander)
I volunteer at church every other Sunday in the nursery.
My Favorites
Classroom wishes: Sharpies and erasers!
Allergies: None
Coffee/tea: Iced Mocha or Jasmine Green Tea!
Snack: Chocolate caramels and chocolate covered pretzels
Night out restaurant: La Loma
Lunch restaurant: Chick-fil-a
Place to shop: Target
Clothing store/style: Anthropology
Movies (out or in): Home
Bookstore: 2nd and Charles
Holiday: Christmas
Flower: Peonies
Color: Green
Sports team(s): Chiefs
Silly fact about me: I could drink a chocolate milkshake every day if it wasn't weird...