Admin & Support Staff Salary Range Policy
Outlines the salary range of Admin and Support Staff.
American Academy Bylaws
Describes the composition, regulation and limitations of the American Academy governing bodies.
American Academy Organization Chart
Depicts the current American Academy organizational structure.
Authorized Signatures & Purchasing Policy
Describes how purchasing works at American Academy.
Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Policy
Download the Board of policy regarding conflict of interest
Board of Directors Election Policy
Describes elections for the American Academy Board of Directors
Board of Directors Succession Plan
Describes the succession plan for the American Academy Board of Directors
Carpool Policy
Describes the carpool drop-off and pick-up protocol for our temporary location, as well as some traffic rules specific to our school.
Certified Staff Salary Range Policy
Outlines the salary ranges of certified staff.
Comprehensive Fee Policy
Describes American Academy's policy on the payment of fees and the penalties for non-payment.
Communicable Disease Illness Policy
Describes American Academy's policy requesting parents to notify the school if their child contracts a communicable disease, infectious condition, or illness and to keep any child temporarily affected thereby out of school until the condition is no longer communicable or until he or she has fully recovered.
Continuing Disclosure Policy
Ensure the completeness and accuracy of the federal securities disclosure made by American Academy and the School’s Board of Directors.
Credit Card Policy
Describes AA's credit card usage rules.
Curriculum Policy
Details the curriculum standards and choices for American Academy as they pertain to our mission and vision for the school.
Document Retention Policy
Details the document retention standards at American Academy.
Electronic Device Policy
Describes what and when electronic devices are allowed in school.
Employee Communication Policy
Describes the process and channels of communication for staff members to communicate issues or recommend policy changes and additions.
Employee Dress Code Policy
Describes American Academy's dress guidelines for staff.
Employee Evaluations Policy
Describes the American Academy's process for employee evaluations.
Employee Handbook KindiePrep
Employee Leave & Benefits Policy
Describes American Academy's vacation, leave, and benefits eligibility.
Employee Social Media Policy
Describes American Academy's rules and guidelines for employee use of social networking sites.
Enrollment Policy
Outlines the enrollment process for KindiePrep through eighth grade.
Equal Access to Opportunities Policy
Describes American Academy's stance on every child having equal access to opportunities and the resources they need to meet their individual potential to the best of their abilities, ambition and effort, consistent with the principles within this policy, the school’s mission, and long-standing policies and procedures.
Extracurricular Activities Policy
American Academy's policy on extracurricular activities, including athletics and performing arts and STEM.
Facilities Use Policy
Describes the conditions and rates to be adhered to when leasing space at American Academy.
Field Trip Policy
Describes the procedures used for non-overnight field trips.
Financial Planning & Budgeting Policy
Describes the process for financial planning and budgeting at American Academy.
Fiscal Accounting & Reporting Policy
Describes the accounting policy for American Academy.
Grading Policy
Shows overall grade matrix, as well as the late homework grading scale for students K-8.
Internal Audit Policy
Describes the internal audit process.
Investment Policy
This Investment Policy addresses the methods, procedures and practices, which ensure effective and judicious fiscal and investment management of American Academy funds.
KindiePrep Program and Policy
Describes the terms for enrollment in American Academy's KindiePrep program, including tuition requirements, fees, and program withdrawal.
Library Policy
Makes clear the selection parameters and rules of use for library materials for students and teachers.
Meta Policy
A policy for creating policies at American Academy.
Parent Communication Policy
Describes the process and channels of communication for parents to communicate issues or recommend policy changes and additions.
Privacy Protection Confidential Student Information Policy
The Board directs American Academy staff to manage its student data privacy, protection and security obligations in accordance with this policy and applicable law.
Property Disposal Policy
Describes how out of date items are disposed of.
Student Attendance Policy
Outlines student attendance expectations.
Student Discipline Policy
Outlines student behavior expectations, and describes the rewards for good behavior as well as the procedures for discipline. The specific consequences for discipline are detailed in the American Academy Consequence Matrix.
Student Retention and Acceleration Policy
Describes the procedures, criteria, and decision-making authority for student acceleration and retention.
Student Uniform Policy
Describes American Academy Student Uniform intentions and expectations in detail, including exceptions for sixth through eighth graders.
Visitor and Volunteer Policy
Provides guidelines and protocols for American Academy visitors and volunteers.
Working Days Calendar for Staff
Current year staff working days