American Academy Multi-Tiered Support of Supports (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a national school-based initiative that has developed over the past two decades as a coordinated, inclusive system with flexibility to meet the needs of all learners. American Academy utilizes this model for identifying and addressing the specific academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs of students. American Academy MTSS uses data-driven problem-solving and incorporates system-level change to address both academic and non-academic needs of students. Students in general education and those receiving special education and/or Section 504 can participate in MTSS. MTSS is not used to delay or deny a child’s right to an initial evaluation for special education and/or Section 504.
The FIRST TIER in MTSS is Universal Supports & Core Instruction. Approximately 80-85% of students do well with Tier 1 supports & instruction. Tier 1 universal support for American Academy students includes, but is not limited to:
- Scoped and sequenced curriculums
- Differentiation
- Ability Grouping
- Routine data collection to monitor the progress of all students
- AA Characters & Manners
The SECOND TIER in MTSS is Targeted Interventions. Approximately 10-15% of students need targeted supports to increase their skill levels. These are largely delivered within the classroom and/or in small groups of students. Examples of Tier 2 supports can include:
- Extra practice with support for skills such as reading fluency or math calculation, in addition to what is received during reading or math instructional times
- Supports such as extra time for assessments, breaking down large assignments or tests to more manageable pieces, audio books, etc.
- Small social-emotional groups facilitated by mental health staff
- Executive function strategies and resources provided to teachers, students, and parents
The THIRD TIER of MTSS is Intensive Services and approximately 5% of students may need direct pull-out for academic and/or nonacademic concerns. Following data collection and services in Tier 3, the MTSS team, which includes parents, may make a referral for a Section 504 or Special Education Evaluation. Examples of Tier 3 services can include:
- Individualized instruction outside of the classroom provided by an interventionist
- Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan
- Individual, time-sensitive support counseling