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American Academy

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

American Academy Multi-Tiered Support of Supports (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a national school-based initiative that has developed over the past two decades as a coordinated, inclusive system with flexibility to meet the needs of all learners. American Academy utilizes this model for identifying and addressing the specific academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs of students. American Academy MTSS uses data-driven problem-solving and incorporates system-level change to address both academic and non-academic needs of students. Students in general education and those receiving special education and/or Section 504 can participate in MTSS. MTSS is not used to delay or deny a child’s right to an initial evaluation for special education and/or Section 504.

The FIRST TIER in MTSS is Universal Supports & Core Instruction. Approximately 80-85% of students do well with Tier 1 supports & instruction. Tier 1 universal support for American Academy students includes, but is not limited to:

    • Scoped and sequenced curriculums
    • Differentiation
    • Ability Grouping
    • Routine data collection to monitor the progress of all students
    • AA Characters & Manners
The SECOND TIER in MTSS is Targeted Interventions. Approximately 10-15% of students need targeted supports to increase their skill levels. These are largely delivered within the classroom and/or in small groups of students. Examples of Tier 2 supports can include:

    • Extra practice with support for skills such as reading fluency or math calculation, in addition to what is received during reading or math instructional times
    • Supports such as extra time for assessments, breaking down large assignments or tests to more manageable pieces, audio books, etc.
    • Small social-emotional groups facilitated by mental health staff
    • Executive function strategies and resources provided to teachers, students, and parents
The THIRD TIER of MTSS is Intensive Services and approximately 5% of students may need direct pull-out for academic and/or nonacademic concerns. Following data collection and services in Tier 3, the MTSS team, which includes parents, may make a referral for a Section 504 or Special Education Evaluation. Examples of Tier 3 services can include:

    • Individualized instruction outside of the classroom provided by an interventionist
    • Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan
    • Individual, time-sensitive support counseling
Examples of American Academy MTSS Interventions






Universal Supports / Core Instruction


Best teaching practices

Ability Grouping

Data Collection & Monitoring (ie. Dibels iReady)

Research-based Core Instruction

Differentiation of Instruction (ie. centers rotations/groups)

AA Characters & Manners

Classroom Lessons

School Mint Hero

Bullying & Suicide Prevention Programs

YESS Program


Targeted Interventions


In class interventions such as: extra time, chunking assignments & assessments, directions read to student, etc.

Read Plans

Intervention Block Instruction

Small group testing

Small Counseling Groups

Peer Mentoring

Check in/Check out

Executive function strategies provided to teachers, parents, and students


Intensive Services


Targeted Instruction with an interventionist

Additional instruction provided outside the general education classroom

Functional Behavioral Assessments

Behavior Intervention Plans

Individual support counseling

Safety Assessments (Threat & Suicide)

Colorado Department of Education: Definition of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) 
Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports (COMTSS) is a prevention-based framework using team-driven leadership and data-based problem solving to improve the outcomes of every student through family, school, and community partnerships, comprehensive assessment, and a layered continuum of supports.
At the school level, building teams implement their identified priorities and build a tiered system that fits their respective context. School teams identify the fidelity and student outcomes they wish to achieve and then identify the data needed to monitor progress toward those outcomes. They also outline the practices used at each tier, as well as the systems that enable staff to both implement the identified practices and to gather the required data.