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American Academy

School Closures and Delays

American Academy is a Douglas County School District (DCSD) school. We will always, at a minimum, follow DCSD with their weather calls. We can, however, make our own weather calls above and beyond what the district decides to do, although these instances are rare. Click to learn more about DCSD delays and closures
This means parents should pay attention to what DCSD communicates, but also pay close attention to American Academy media (check the website and your phones first and frequently) on the evening before or the in the morning when bad weather is predicted. Our snow team starts watching and talking as soon as we see a weather situation. When possible, we will try to make a weather call the evening before in order to give our working parents as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements. 
Most weather calls, however, are made very early in the morning. Our snow team is up VERY early, evaluating the situation from a number of locations and safety angles. We check with our plow crews and city crews to ensure that access roads, as well as our campus parking lots and sidewalks, will be safely cleared by the time our parents and students arrive to school. Weather can be very unpredictable in Colorado, but please know we are making the very best decision for our families and staff during the entire process. 
If a weather call is made, we will post and notify as soon as possible, usually between 5:00 and 6:00 am.
Please check the American Academy website first and frequently! Text and email notifications, along with voicemail after 6:00 am and before 9:00 pm, will be sent AFTER we have posted on the website so that we can refer parents back to the website article for more details and updates. Closings and school delays (late start) will be posted on the American Academy website FIRST, sent as notifications next, and finally broadcast on social media channels and local television stations.
Parents are automatically opted-in to our emergency notification system via Infinite Campus. Please make sure your contact info is up to date in IC, including your cell phone number and email address. 
If DCSD closes or delays school, American Academy will also close or delay. However, American Academy may close or delay school even if the district remains open.