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American Academy

Emergency Communications

In the event of a school emergency affecting the entire campus or school, American Academy will use the Standard Response Protocol (SRP), which distills emergency responses down to five actions: Hold, Secure, Lock Down, Evacuate, Shelter. American Academy also communicates and works with local emergency services, law enforcement and Douglas County Security during emergencies.
Please read more about the Standard Response Protocol here, and how we use it on our Standard Response Protocol web page.
American Academy will use voice, text and/or email feature available through FinalSite as our primary means of communicating emergency messaging. All registered families are automatically added to our Emergency Communication list via Infinite Campus, which updates nightly. If you do not receive messaging, click the info below. Please note that at times you will receive Emergency/Important Communication from DCSD as well. 
To opt-out of texts at any time, replay "STOP." For help, text "HELP." To opt-out of voicemails, follow the instructions given at the end of each voicemail. We DO NOT recommend opting out of Emergency Communications.
During an emergency, American Academy Communications will communicate with parents as soon is reasonably possible, given the particular circumstances. In any emergency, the safety of the students in our building will always be our FIRST priority, occasionally at the expense of more immediate communication. At the beginning of any emergency situation, we will be busy securing student safety first, and then working with emergency services, law enforcement and safety and security at the district to ensure we have the correct information. Communications will be sent to parents as soon as we have that information to share, as soon as possible.
Please do NOT call or email the school during an active emergency situation -- for safety's sake, our focus must remain on your students.